Here are some testimonials from our supporters

Sustainability, social transformation, and empowerment, these words form the mantra at the House of Learning. This remarkable organization has set out to do the impossible, by deciding to reach out and empower those who are so often forgotten. The founders of the House of Learning have invested their lives and their future to ensure that their project is a success. It has been my privilege to work with them to justify their ambitions, to believe that education can bring about social change, and to harness the talent and potential of the children who want so desperately to be educated.  The hard-working, enthusiastic, and optimistic children deserve a chance to have a better life and a brighter future, and working at the House of Learning has shown me that this is very much possible. 

               - Renée Pang (Canadian Volunteer, 2010)

In May and June of 2010 I supervised 22 US Army Reserve Officer Training Corps Cadets in a Cross Cultural Solutions program for cultural immersion. They were assigned as 2-person teams to work in Moshi area nursing and primary schools to teach English, basic math and to do whatever it took to educate the local students. I can say without a doubt that one of the top placements of the students in question was the House of Learning, where the staff showed passion and commitment to helping street children get an education. They also show great creativity in finding ways to make it work on a miniscule budget. I was inspired to send books and now we stay in touch. The Quality Centre is doing a lot with very few resources and is definitely making a difference in Moshi.
Lieutenant Colonel John R. Stark,
              Director, Army officer Education
              Lecture, Department of History, Princeton University

"As a teacher it is a wonderful experience to work in a new environment witha different set of guidelines, student expectations, curriculum, and need. Because of the lack of mobility in the U.S. public education system, teachers are often exposed to one kind of educational institution with onlyminor variations. I was fortunate enough to be able to teach in my field (science) while volunteering with Cross Cultural Solutions at the House ofLearning and in just a short time I was enamored with the students, the
House of Learning, Moshi and everyone's efforts to help the students andpeople in need in their community. 

The experience really opened my eyes to how much value education and drive have in a community, and how much of an impact that anyone who puts out a little caring effort can actually make. Seeing the appreciation that the students have for people who care about their achievement was wonderful. In Los Angeles, my students, more often than not, don't enjoy their academic experience, which makes teachers like myself frustrated. But my experience with the students at the House of Learning made me excited about my profession once again."

               - Kazumi Igus (American volunteer, 2010 )

House of Learning is an amazing organization. Having spent over a month volunteering in various capacities around Moshi, I can say with confidence that this project is the most realistic, the most sustainable, and the most beneficial to its target population of all the aid organizations I have come across.  It is currently run, managed, and financed by a couple of very hard working Tanzanians who are dedicating their lives to helping disadvantaged children and widows.  The vision of House of Learning is pure, its ambition is realistic, and its effect is palpable.  Volunteering at House of Learning has been an invaluable experience and has opened my eyes to how efficient aid programs in Africa can function.  I strongly recommend House of Learning as a project worthy of your volunteering aid and your financial support.

             - Erik van Oosten (Canadian Volunteer, 2010)

Volunteering at the House of Learning was an extremely fun and rewarding experience. The teachers are incredibly welcoming and enthusiastic, and the students are pleasure to teach. It is great organization and I wish it all the best for the future!

             - Jenny McKenna (UK Volunteer, 2010)

I teach at the House of Learning because I love to teach children.  House of Learning is a special organization because this is a place where they help children who are orphans, educating them and teaching them life skills so that they can properly face the challenges of their lives.  I feel that House of Learning does an excellent job helping these children get onto a proper path.

            - Collins David (House of Learning Local Intern)

House of Learning is a good school.  This is because the teachers are working hard and that’s why the motto is “Back never, forward forever”.

            - Vivian Herbert (House of Learning Student, Standard 5)